Semiconducting and quantum diamond components have the potential to impact nearly every sector of future technology.
Radiation Sensors
From homeland security to medicine, diamond radiation sensors can play a large role in realizing systems-level gains. Our designs use diamond semiconductors. Like other solid-state technology, this means low power, volume, and systems integration costs. Diamond offers further performance advantages over other semiconductors, with solar-blind response, high temperature compatibility, low noise, and fast response times. Furthermore, our use of doped diamond structures enables us to make designs not offered by any other US company, and make radiation detector designs customized for a variety of applications. With our technology, we can measure ultraviolet light, x-rays, neutrons, protons, electrons, alpha particles, energetic ions and more.
Radio-frequency circuits are a foundational technology for telecommunications and radar systems. In order to achieve next-generation specifications, radio frequency circuits will require higher power and frequency components. Receiver protector circuits in radar systems are a near-term example of where diamond diodes can help realize systems-level gains. Receiver protector circuits divert unwanted power from sensitive receiver elements in radar and other RF systems. Currently available diodes for this application are limited in their simultaneous frequency and power specifications. At power levels which are too high, these diodes are susceptible to overheating and failure. By being able to move large currents through a small area, diamond diodes reduce the design trade-off between frequency and power specifications; furthermore, diamond has the largest thermal conductivity of any material, which reduces stress due to Joule heating. Reverse-bias leakage current can be an issue for traditional components, but this issue is minimized by diamond’s large bandgap. Other RF systems will also benefit from semiconducting diamond, especially as diamond-based transistors mature and help realize components which are rated for simultaneous high power and high frequency. Given these advantages, diamond is primed to play a large role in the ~$40Bn radar market.
Rapid changes are occurring in how our society is powered, from the electrification of the transportation fleet to the increasing adoption of renewable energy. These changes are driving the need for new and advanced power converters that can operate at high efficiency with very high reliability at extreme temperatures and power levels. Our innovative approach enables new power electronics and other semiconductor components, using the ultimate wide bandgap semiconductor: diamond. Diamond’s very high mobility, ultra-high breakdown electric field, and the highest thermal conductivity of any bulk semiconductor material promises outstanding performance for power electronics converters and other energy technologies. The benefits of diamond for power applications have long been understood, with figures of merit 500x higher than silicon and 100x higher than silicon carbide. With these properties, semiconducting diamond is considered an enabling technology for transformational innovations such as electric aircraft, rapid electric vehicle charging, and power substations that could be miniaturized for neighborhood-scale integration of renewable power.
Quantum Diamond
Quantum sensors and devices have the potential to revolutionize a number of technological fields. Diamond exhibits unique quantum states when a nitrogen atom is paired with a vacancy site in the diamond lattice. These quantum states can be used as building blocks for highly sensitive sensors and electronic components. Advent Diamond’s unique approach to quantum devices is to combine our expertise in controlled doped diamond deposition with electrical component development to realize novel quantum sensor designs and readout mechanisms.
There are many potential mass markets for this technology, including in defense (GPS backup, navigation, magnetometry on miniaturized systems) and medical imaging. Long-term, the development of quantum technologies can lead to next-generation telecommunications, computing, and security technologies.
It has long been understood that diamond possesses extremely promising properties for the above applications. However, the lack of maturity of diamond as a semiconductor has historically limited its progress towards commercialization. Fortunately, recent breakthroughs enabled by Advent Diamond have overcome many of the most significant technical difficulties. Among the most important of these are the ability to fabricate single-crystal diamond doped with phosphorus to produce n-type layers. This breakthrough is significant in that phosphorus is the only relatively shallow n-type dopant for diamond. Advent Diamond holds a patent on this technology.
Breakdown field
Thermal Conductivity
Saturated electron velocity
(107 cm/s)
Electron Mobility
Diamond can withstand large internal electric fields
Diamond can withstand large internal electric fields, meaning less material is needed for a given blocking voltage. This enables improved combined power and frequency specifications.
Diamond has the largest thermal conductivity
Diamond has the largest thermal conductivity of any material for superior power dissipation
Large saturated electron velocities translate
Large saturated electron velocities translate to fast switching speeds and fast detector response
Diamond is a wide bandgap semiconductor
Diamond is a wide bandgap semiconductor, making it suited for high power applications and low noise detectors
Diamond’s large electron mobility
Diamond’s large electron mobility enables a high current density, enabling miniaturization of demanding power components
Breakdown field
Diamond can withstand large internal electric fields, meaning less material is needed for a given blocking voltage. This enables improved combined power and frequency specifications.
Thermal Conductivity
Diamond has the largest thermal conductivity of any material for superior power dissipation
Saturated electron velocity
(107 cm/s)
Large saturated electron velocities translate to fast switching speeds and fast detector response
Diamond is a wide bandgap semiconductor, making it suited for high power applications and low noise detectors
Electron Mobility
Diamond’s large electron mobility enables a high current density, enabling miniaturization of demanding power components